Doube clicking it, meanwhile, will show you the information from the message, and allow you to open it in Outlook. From here, you can right-click the task to add it to the “My Day” list, remove the importance, or change the due date. If you’ve flagged any emails in Ourlook, they’ll show up in this section of To Do. We’ll also talk about the Flagged email section too. It’s a nifty little feature that gives you a good productivity boost and a look at all the tasks you need to finish for the day. In the pop-out window, scroll down to the Connections section and ensure Tasks from Planner is turned on. You even can see old ones by clicking the. Select the gear icon in the upper-right corner, then To-Do Settings. Once set up, all Planner tasks will show in To Do. You might need to see it up by clicking the Create button in the pop-up in the sidebar, to link your Planner account to To Do. The “Assigned to you” section will show you tasks assigned to you by management through To Do or Microsoft Planner. If your small business or school is subscribed to Microsoft 365 and using Microsoft Planner, then this section of To Do is for you.

Assigned to you and Flagged email in To Do You even can attach files or leave notes if you need to. A traditional left click on the task, meanwhile, will give you reminder options, steps, and more options to set a different date. Once added, you can change the due date by right-clicking, and choosing another date. You can create these tasks with the + icon, and then click add. As the name suggests, planned tasks are tasks for the future. Planned in To DoĪ third area in To Do is what’s known as planned. All tasks in To Do will also have an icon next to the task to tell you where it came from - be it My Day, or an email. You’ll be able to complete it by clicking the circle checkbox. After creating one with the Add a task button, you’ll see it populate the list and you can mark as important with a star.

Important tasks work just like other tasks, though. These will get extra visual attention thanks to the star icon you’ll see next to them. Next up in To Do is what is known as “Important.” Important in To Do are a collection of tasks that you’ve marked as urgent, say to attend that important meeting, or grade papers, or even feed the kittens. This appears at the bottom of the sidebar and is your list of all the things you’ve added To Do from across all the categories which we’ll be discussing next. You’ll see options to sort by importance, due date, alphabetically, or creation date.Īlso of note is the “Tasks” section in To Do. Other options available from the My Day page include options to sort. You can click the + icon next to the task to add it, or the circle box to complete it. Suggestions will be grouped by Yesterday, Later, and Earlier, based off when To Do thinks you should add them. You can manually add common tasks with the Add a task button, or you can see suggested itineraries and other items for your day with the lightbulb icon at the top of the screen. The first thing that noticeable in To Do is what is known as “My Day.” My Day is a fresh clean slate to add certain tasks that you want to accomplish each day.