Forecast and optimize natural gas utilization and convey scheduling needs to the fuels group. Plan and schedule short notice facility outages and derates. Coordinate these adjustments with the generating plants. Maintain and revise hourly forecasts and system position throughout the day as system conditions change due to unit availabilities, reserve requirements or load deviations. Derive a system position, incorporating the demand obligations and resource availability, in order to economically direct the commitment of generation facilities within the system and dispatch other contractually available assets to meet total obligation requirements. Develop an hourly load demand forecast for the current and next day operations.NERC certification is a requirement to this position (NERC must be obtained within 8 months of start date). Maximize the economic benefit to the system by identifying additional trading opportunities available through the open market, and engage in financial and bilateral transactions that benefit the system. Develop and maintain an hourly system position and derive economic incremental and avoided cost pricing signals. Dispatch generation facilities and purchase power resources with economic consideration and to maintain system integrity, meeting all reliability requirements as established by NERC or other authority. Coordinate and maintain hourly energy balance between demand requirements and supply resources at the lowest possible cost.